Adapting Our Programs To Continue Bringing A Healthy Breakfast To Kids

Following the provincial government’s decision to reopen elementary schools outside Greater Montreal, we have adjusted our approach to comply with public health requirements so that students can still enjoy a healthy breakfast in a nurturing, familiar setting. The changes we have made help ensure that food items can be distributed with minimal preparation and handling.
In Quebec, most schools receive support from Breakfast Club of Canada in the form of food shipped directly to them from our warehouse in Boucherville. With the cooperation of our wonderful partners, we have adapted our approach to bring individually packaged cold breakfasts to be served to every participating classroom. Of the schools who responded to our offer to resume breakfast program operations, 75% have decided to go ahead.
We know there are bound to be some hiccups and we are adjusting as we go. We will ask schools to share their success stories and the challenges they have encountered along the way to help us get ready for the 2020–2021 school year.
For further details on our adapted programs, please see our Toolkit – Breakfast Program Adapted to COVID-19 Protocols at the School’s Corner section of our website.