General Information

Breakfast Club of Canada is a non-profit organization that helps support schools from coast to coast to coast in the implementation and funding of breakfast programs.

To subscribe, please fill in our subscription form.

You can unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email. You can also contact our marketing department if you have any questions about our emails or if you wish to be removed from our mailing lists.

You can download a copy of the most recent Activity Report and previous reports here.


Whether it’s a one-time or monthly donation, The Club accepts donations by credit card, cash or cheque. You can also make a gift of publicly listed securities, gift of life insurance, gift of RRSPs/RRIFs, gift of property, charitable bequest in a will or donation through our fundraising events through the Fundky app and our signature events. If you have any questions or would like to find out how you can get involved, write us or call us at

We appreciate your interest in helping feed children across Canada! The Club cannot accept food donations due to the food management measures required by current hygiene standards. However, if your company would like to become a food partner, please write us.

Please contact us online or via phone at 1-888-442-1217.

The privacy of your personal information is very important to us, and we have put safeguards in place to protect it. Our online transaction partner, Stripe, complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and has strict rules for handling credit card information. Stripe has been audited by an independent PCI Qualified Security Assessor and is certified as a Level 1 PCI Service Provider. This is the highest level of certification in the payment industry.

The Club is committed to keeping the banking and credit card information of all its donors strictly confidential. We are also members of Imagine Canada’s standards program and follow the PCI DSS standard for payment card industry security.

Yes, we can give you a refund. Please write us or call us at 1-888-442-1217.

We’re here to help you find the option that best suits your financial, family and personal situation. Visit our Planned Giving section to learn more about your options. For more information, write us.

For now, new donors need to use their credit card here. Contact us online or via phone at 1-888-442-1217, if you need help to enroll in the Club’s monthly giving program or have any other questions about monthly donations.

Your first donation will be deducted when you join our monthly giving program. Then, we will automatically deduct the amount you specify on the same day each month. For example, if you make a $25 donation on January 1, 2024, we will deduct $25 on February 1, 2024, and again on the 1st of each subsequent month. If your first donation was made on the 29th, 30th or 31st of any month, and one of the subsequent months is shorter, we will adjust the deduction date to correspond with the last day of that month. If you would like to change the date of your monthly donation, please contact us online or via telephone at 1-888-442-1217.

You can change or stop your donation at any time. Just write us or call us at 1-888-442-1217.

Monthly donations provide the Club with stable, predictable income throughout the year, helping us to provide ongoing support for children. There’s no minimum amount to enroll in the Giving Program. Whatever the amount, your donation makes a big difference every month.

We are grateful for the financial support from the Quebec government, which plays an essential role in our ability to provide nutritious breakfasts to a large number of children.

However, needs persist and evolve. Since its foundation, and more than ever, the Club believes that feeding children is everyone’s business! This mission also requires the generosity of the private sector, the general public and foundations. Together, we can offer children the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Tax Receipts

Donate online on our secure website and automatically receive an official receipt by email for every contribution of more than $20.

For a one-time donation on our secure website, you’ll automatically receive your receipt within 24 hours of your payment, if it’s more than $20. If you become a monthly donor, you will receive a single tax receipt before February 28 of each year. If we have your email address on file, you’ll receive an official receipt electronically. Otherwise, you will receive it by mail.

No, a charitable organization cannot issue an official donation receipt in the name of someone other than the person who actually made the donation. In addition, the donor’s full name and address must appear on the receipt. For more information, read CRA’s official guidelines for official donation receipts.

Yes. Our internal team handles receipts that need to be mailed once a week. However, if you would like to receive your receipt by mail or email, you can write us or call us at 1-888-442-1217.


The purpose of our guiding principles is to provide a common breakfast program vision for the Club team and our school, community, philanthropic and government partners. These principles act as a compass for focusing our efforts and moving forward together toward the best-possible school breakfast program. Our principles also represent the values we need to uphold when we provide support across the country, meeting the needs and challenges of every school community.

Together with our school partners, we work daily to make our vision of a breakfast program a reality…

Universal: for all students
Reliable: available every school day
Nutritious: offering nutritious, fresh and varied foods, served in accordance with the highest food safety standards
Health-promoting: promotes physical and mental health through education and the creation of a safe and caring environment
Inclusive: responding to special dietary needs and cultural diversity
Engaging: involving students in every aspect of the program
Mobilizing: bringing the community together, from families to businesses, to contribute their time or resources
Sustainable: incorporating practices that protect the ecosystem and stimulate an inclusive local economy (such as local and community sourcing)
Accountable: clearly accountable for its activities and successful initiatives

Learn more

Many schools are waiting to implement breakfast programs because the need far exceeds the resources available. Launching new programs is a long-term commitment for the Club. For this reason, we need to be sure that we have sufficient and sustainable financial and human resources before rolling out new breakfast programs.

When funding is available to open new programs, schools located in the most underprivileged areas and longest on the waiting list are usually given priority.

Schools retain full control over their menus. However, the Club menus are designed to nourish not only the body, but also the mind. A complete breakfast always contains a product from each of the three food groups in Canada’s Food Guide: vegetables and fruit, whole grains and protein foods.

The products on our menus go through a rigorous selection process conducted by both our Nutrition Committee and Procurement team. The Nutrition Committee regularly updates nutritional guidelines to help school and community partners foster a healthy, sustainable food environment. These guidelines are based on school nutrition data and recommendations from recognized organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Dietitians of Canada and Health Canada.

For more information, please read our General Nutritional Guidelines or Detailed Nutritional Guidelines.

Setting up a breakfast program at your school is all about bringing together a community that cares about the well-being of your children. The first step towards setting up a program is to submit an online application for support. We accept applications throughout the year from schools, school districts or service centres, group councils and community organizations seeking support for preschool, elementary or high school students. When we have the funds to implement a program, we get in touch with the school to learn more about its situation and determine together the requirements for setting up the program, including, if necessary, funding, equipment and food donations.

Submit your application here

Schools are an integral part of the process and are the driving force behind any breakfast program. Whether it’s purchasing food, receiving orders, preparing or serving breakfast, the involvement of the school team or community volunteers is vital to ensuring that the program runs smoothly. This school project is also an opportunity to involve young people and provide them with a volunteer experience that helps develop their leadership potential.

The Club supports schools with expertise in every aspect of setting up and running their program. Each school is assigned a Club coordinator, who provides training, support and online tools.

Every morning, breakfast programs depend on many volunteers who get up at the crack of dawn to prepare and serve breakfast at schools across the country. Please note that you don’t have to be available every day to volunteer for a school’s breakfast program. Also, keep in mind that your school may require a criminal background check before you can get involved.
For more information, visit our Volunteer section.

Events & Fundraisers

The Club can provide you with an online platform to help you create and run your fundraising campaign. To get started, create your account on our Fundky page.

The Fundky platform issues tax receipts for all charitable fundraising donations. Certain exceptions may apply. If you have any questions, please visit the Fundky FAQ or contact us by email.

You must obtain the Club’s approval to use its logo prior to publication. Use of the Club’s name and logo must be approved before publication. In most cases, you will need a partnership agreement to use the logo. In addition, when you register your fundraiser, the Club will send you a toolkit to help you set up your event. If you have any questions about promoting your fundraiser or using the Club’s logo, contact us.

Unfortunately, the Club cannot help you obtain a permit. Organizers are responsible for obtaining the necessary permits for their event.

The Club may, at its discretion, like, comment or share your posts on social networks.

The Club does not authorize any activity associated with an industry, organization, business or other entity whose activities are not in line with its mission, mandate or values. This may include the following:

  • Any fundraising initiative that charges a commission on donations
  • Companies, products or activities that are harmful to children, adults or the environment, such as tobacco, cannabis, pornography or other controversial areas
  • Any event that supports the promotion of a political party or candidate
  • Direct solicitation such as door-to-door canvassing and telemarketing

If you have an offline fundraising idea, please contact our team.
The Club team will contact you to discuss the next steps. We often need a partnership agreement to make everything official.

Anyone who organizes an event to benefit Breakfast Club of Canada agrees to donate the proceeds to us. We invest these funds wisely to fulfill our mission. To find out how the Club uses and redistributes donations, visit Finance & Governance page.

The Club strives not only to support its many programs equally, but also to act where the need is greatest. That’s why we work tirelessly to make the most of every dollar spent on feeding children who need it most. Through your support, you can help maintain the Club’s commitment to every region we support.

The Club can issue tax receipts if you meet the eligibility criteria. Here are some general guidelines:

  • The Club issues tax receipts for donations of $20 or more.
  • The total donation made by the fundraiser organizer is not eligible, since it comes from multiple sources.
  • An individual’s donation to a fundraising event is usually eligible.

Donations made in connection with raffles and contests are not eligible.
Specific rules apply to donations made at an auction.

If you have any questions, contact us.

The Club holds many events throughout the year, including the Fat Bike Challenge, the Déjeuner des Grands, Flavours of the City and the Golf & Bike Classic.

See all our events

You can buy your tickets online on our specific event pages. To see all the dates, go here.

For more information, contact our team.

Partnership plans are available for each of the Club’s signature events. To find out more about our sponsorship or partnership opportunities, contact our team.

National School Food Program

Every child deserves to reach their full potential. A National School Food Program aims to provide children with nutritional school meals to support their success. In April 2024, the Government of Canada announced the creation of such a program. Thanks to an investment of $1 billion over five years, existing school food programs will receive additional support to reach even more children. Targeted programs include breakfast, lunch and snacks. 

The National School Food Program was announced in the 2024 Federal Budget, which was passed in late June. This budget authorizes the Ministry of Families, Children, and Social Development to negotiate with the provinces and territories to receive federal funding. Each province and territory will use these funds to enhance their school food program and work with existing partners (school districts, organizations, etc.).

This process allows each province and territory to build on existing initiatives while reaching more students. Schools and the Club will not directly receive the funds.

Since March 10, 2025, all provinces and territories have signed bilateral agreements. The Club works with all levels of government to pursue its mission of nurturing children’s potential.

Despite the significant progress made in setting up this program, this initial investment is insufficient to meet the country’s current needs. With 1 in 3 children still at risk of going to school on an empty stomach, it is the efforts of public and private donors that will enable children to start their school day with the energy to learn. Feeding children is everyone’s business.  

The School Food Infrastructure Fund (SFIF)

The SFIF is a federal initiative launched by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to strengthen the capacity of not-for-profit organizations to improve infrastructure and equipment for school food programs across the country. Through SFIF, selected organizations, such as Breakfast Club of Canada, will receive funds to distribute to their community partners.

Under the SFIF program, the Club received funding to support and increase the capacities of infrastructure and equipment of its community partners. As a trusted intermediary, the Club is committed to ensuring that funds are allocated in a transparent and fair manner to community partners who are actively involved in school food programs These investments will focus on areas such as storage facilities, food preparation, and distribution chains.

SFIF funds allocated to the Club will be distributed to community organizations selected following an analysis of their applications and that are actively supporting school food programs in the following provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon. 

To be considered, organizations must meet the following criteria: 

  • Be a registered non-profit organization 
  • Actively support school food programs 
  • Demonstrate use that conforms to eligible expenses 
  • Not have accepted funds from another initial SFIF distributor

Please note that schools, including school boards, schools, municipal agencies, government and para-governmental organizations, academic and educational institutions and for-profit entities are not eligible for this funding. 

Projects must be submitted by completing the form available here: 2025-2026  School Food Infrastructure Fund Application Form

The deadline for submission is Monday, April 7, at midnight. 

Given the available funding, Breakfast Club of Canada, like the other national SFIF recipients, will select projects based on eligibility criteria provided by AAFC and prioritization criteria established by the Club. Submitting a project does not guarantee funding allocation. 

Breakfast Club of Canada will prioritize projects that positively impact the following aspects of school food programs: 

  • Universal access to programs 
  • Programs offered daily 
  • Vulnerable and diverse school populations served 
  • Program reach 
  • Shared procurement resources 
  • Local sourcing 
  • Nutritional standards 

To see list of eligible and ineligible cost, please refer to this document.

Stay tuned on our website for our Q&A and any other updates on the SFIF: 

For more information about SFIF allocations provided by the Club, please contact the Programs team at