What do you and your family celebrate this time of year? Christmas? Kwanzaa? Hanukkah? Lunar New Year? Diwali? Las Posadas? The winter solstice?
What do you and your family celebrate this time of year? Christmas? Kwanzaa? Hanukkah? Lunar New Year? Diwali? Las Posadas? The winter solstice? Before we all take a well-deserved break from school and work, let’s have a closer look at some of the special morning meals that can accompany these and other celebrations.
Check out the great ideas below and in our Special Occasions info sheet.
And be sure to share your celebrations, recipes and pictures with us at testimonials@breakfastclubcanada.org.
Jazz it up!
String Cheese Snowmen

- Use a black marker to draw the eyes, mouth and buttons on the plastic wrapper of the cheese string. Use an orange marker to make the nose.
- Cut out a top hat from a piece of black construction paper and glue to the wrapper above the face.
- Make a scarf with a bit of colourful ribbon tied around the “neck.”
Santa’s Belly Mini-Cheeses

- Cut a strip of black construction paper long and narrow enough to wrap around a mini-cheese.
- Cut a small square out of yellow construction paper, with a second hollow square about the same width as the black paper strip.
- Glue the “belt” around the middle of the mini-cheese, with the yellow “buckle” on top.
Whip it up (and get the kids involved)!
Snowman Fruit Kabobs

- Slide three banana slices onto a skewer to make the “body” of the snowman.
- Insert pretzel sticks for arms, and decorate with mini chocolate chips for the eyes and buttons.
- Add other kinds of fruit cut into different shapes to make the hat, scarf and other accessories.
Grape Grinch Kabobs

- Assemble one green grape, one banana slice and one hulled strawberry together on a toothpick to make the Grinch’s head.
- Slide a marshmallow “pompom” on top, as desired.
Evergreen Pancakes

- When preparing a batch of your favourite pancake recipe, put the wet ingredients into a blender, add a cup of fresh spinach and blend until smooth.
- Combine with the dry ingredients and cook as usual. Cut the cooked pancake into four.
- Pile three of the wedges, one on top of the other, in a plate to make your “tree.” Decorate with the fruit of your choice.