Apple Pie Cups from Coldwater School!

1 min read
volunteers in kitchen

Back to school also overlaps with apple picking season. Try this super simple and no bake “apple pie” recipe submitted by Coldwater School in Merritt, BC, as a fun way to welcome students back — they’ll love it! If you have some leftover summer peaches or any other fruit, why not give those a whirl instead? Use your creativity to add your own flair.  


Apple pie

In individual cups or bowls, place nut-free granola on the bottom. Add sliced or diced apples and top with yogurt.  


“Simple, easy and the students love it.” – Coldwater School in Merritt, BC 


Call for recipes 

We’d love to hear from you! Do you have any recipes you’d like to share? Send your favourite cultural, traditional, unique or easy-to-make dishes to and you could be featured in one of our future newsletters or on our website. All submissions will also be entered into a draw to win some sweet BCC swag!